Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Being Skinny

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing about the USB shaped like a credit card.

Because USB flash drives weren’t easy enough to carry around in the first place Top tech has designed a new travel style drive for everyone.

Slim Data is a USB drive as a card. That’s right, it’s like having another credit card, except this one folds in half to reveal the USB and attach to any Windows, Mac, or Linux machine. There are five colors at 4GB and $25 each (not a huge price difference compared to your average flash drive.

Flash drives are all travel size, but if you’re walking around with a wallet in your pocket anyway save your other pocket space and add your USB drive to your already full pocket. Just hope that card doesn’t get lost amongst the other hundreds or cards already bursting in your wallet.

Gaming for Reality

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing about the latest in active video gaming technology, featuring the Tony Hawk skateboard.

Video games are all about being up and active now, and that’s exactly what the new Tony Hawk game is striving to do.

Tony Hawk Ride will include a motion sensing skateboard controller for more realistic action in this latest sports game. The board is shaped just like a skateboard without wheels. A more realistic form of what’s already being attempted on Wii Fit games the Tony Hawk board boasts the most detailed controls yet for an action sports game. Forget just leaning back and forth, the board can spin, and you can push off, you can even design how realistic you want your own experience to be.

Bringing reality to the virtual gaming world is all the rage right now and hopefully it’ll stay that way for awhile, because its been working out pretty well so far.

New College Job–Twintern

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing about the creation of the job title, "twintern".

Social networks are changing our lives and they are also changing the jobs we do. Enter the twintern or the intern whose job is to update the company’s Twitter page.

Pizza Hut’s twintern spends the day updating the company’s posts, monitoring comments and keeping an eye out for mentions of the company on other tweets. Not a bad gig if you can get it.

As someone who used to work in a PR department and who had the job of keeping an eye out for mentions of the company, I know how time consuming these tasks can be. As new outlets for media are formed (from Facebook to Twitter and You Tube) the work multiplies. Companies are smart to find extra hands to do the work but as one article online wondered, is it a good idea to put an intern in charge of your company’s message in such a popular forum?

Who knows what jobs will be available by the time my children are entering the workforce–Facebook relationship manager, Cloud computing Czar, Twitter analyst . . . and a million more I can only dream of.

A Game of Direction

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing. Read about a GPS game for kids.

GPS isn’t just for those 16 and up anymore, it’s been awhile since GPS was only used for driving directions.

Now there’s a GPS specifically designed for the young (and the young at heart I guess too). Geomate Jr. is a GPS at its most basic, it gives directions on where to go. It’s not about getting kids to school or to a friend’s house it’s a game in and of itself. The Geomate Jr. is like a tech hand held treasure hunt.

The GPS comes uploaded with the location of thousands of caches (or locations with small trinkets of log books) for you to find. Take a treat, sign a logbook, it’s all in good fun, and you don’t have to download your own information. I suggest keeping a close eye on kids, wandering off along with the Geomate it probably not the best idea, I don’t think there are backtracking directions.

My Secret Circle for Girls

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing. Read about a social networking site for girl tweens.

Tween clothier Justice is launching a new girls-only social networking site–My Secret Circle.

With a nod to Internet cautious parents, this site is the “only secure social networking site for girls.” Designed for girls 8-12, the site is a place where they can create private friendship circles without the advertising and exposure of other social networking sites.

An access key gives your child access to journal, instant message, share pictures and even voice chat via the site. She adds her “real-life friends” to her circle via access keys that are generated based on her own password key.

Access keys and chat head sets are available for purchase but there are no other additional fees or subscriptions required.

A Good Night’s Sleep

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing. Read about the zeo, a device designed to help you sleep better.

I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in 16 months (actually make that about 20 months since the last four months of my pregnancy were no bed of roses). However, my lack of sleep has a definite trigger–my still not sleeping son. For many people, they don’t have such a clear reason for their sleeplessness or even know that they aren’t getting all the rest they should.

A new technology–Zeo–”the world’s first science-based sleep educational tool and coaching program.” The system consists of a lightweight Zeo Headband, the Zeo Bedside Display, an interactive Web site at and the 7 Step Sleep Fitness™ Program.

You wear the headband as you sleep and it transmits real-time data to the bedside display about your sleep trends. In the morning you can view a sleep graph showing their personal sleep data, including total time slept, the amount of time it took to fall asleep, the time awake in the middle of the night and the total amount of REM, Light and Deep sleep

The display also has an optional SmartWake™ alarm feature that will look for a “natural awakening point” based on your sleep patterns to decrease the grogginess associated with waking from Deep sleep. (I need this!)

One the website users can combine their sleep data with lifestyle elements like caffeine use and stress to get a more accurate picture of their sleep habits. The final components is a coaching program with specific recommendations to meet your sleep goals based on your personal needs.

The system is available beginning at $399.

But a Moment

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing about how July 8th held a moment in history.

Tomorrow is July 8th. It’s not a holiday, it’s just a Wednesday, but it’s also a historical event. Tomorrow, at a little past 12:34 pm, will be the moment the world can call 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9. More precisely it will be 12:34 and 56 seconds on 7/8/09. How cool is that?

It’s not going to screw up any computers like the fabled Y2K, it’s just fun. So get out your most technologically advanced timepiece, and celebrate a historic moment that comes around once in forever, just because it’s cool.