Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Playful Design

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing about a cool new game that lets you create the games you want to play.

Nintendo is a Japanese video game company, so it makes sense that some of its most creative games would start off on the other side of the world. Made in Ore is just such a game.

Made in Ore is a game for Nintendo Gameboy DS. The game is especially cool because it’s not just a game you play it’s a game you create. Ore lets you create any number of mini games, comics, and music you can then share them with friends, play them on the Wii, or upload them to Nintendo online. Creativity is key in the gamin market and this doesn’t seem like a bad place for people to start. Hey, whichever kid plays Ore and loves it may end up creating the next Halo or Guitar Hero in a couple years. Unfortunately, at the moment, the game is only available in Japan.

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