Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fun for the Fourth

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing about the virtual fireworks developed by the Japanese.

It’s been raining everyday at my house for about the past week, which makes me very wary of the picnics and such planned for tomorrow’s Fourth of July celebration. Tech to the rescue again it seems (for next year anyway).

Sega, beginning in the month of August, will release Uchiage Hanabi in Japan. It’s a projector that puts on a fireworks show in your home on any wall or ceiling. It comes with sound effects and programmed shows, but also with the option to design your own fireworks and make your own show. It may start out in Japan, but we love our fireworks here in the US of A and tomorrow will showcase that. I don’t doubt that projected fireworks will eventually reach our soil, and I don’t doubt that real fireworks, rain or shine, will be seen tomorrow night.

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