Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Gaming for Reality

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing about the latest in active video gaming technology, featuring the Tony Hawk skateboard.

Video games are all about being up and active now, and that’s exactly what the new Tony Hawk game is striving to do.

Tony Hawk Ride will include a motion sensing skateboard controller for more realistic action in this latest sports game. The board is shaped just like a skateboard without wheels. A more realistic form of what’s already being attempted on Wii Fit games the Tony Hawk board boasts the most detailed controls yet for an action sports game. Forget just leaning back and forth, the board can spin, and you can push off, you can even design how realistic you want your own experience to be.

Bringing reality to the virtual gaming world is all the rage right now and hopefully it’ll stay that way for awhile, because its been working out pretty well so far.

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