Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Zoom Safer

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing about a program to help you stop using your phone while you drive.

Driving while texting, emailing or talking on the phone is not only potentially hazardous it is also against the law in an increasing number of states. According to Zoom Safer:

“A recent study by the University of Kansas Transportation Research Institute claims that cell phone users are 5.36 times more likely to get in an accident than undistracted drivers.”

Zoom Safer offers a free software download to help you control what your mobile devices will and won’t do while you drive. The software activates while you are driving (not exactly sure how :)) and can block incoming calls and texts according to your preference. It can also send text or messages to selectively notify others where you are.

Other premium options allow for voice-based access to texting, Twitter, emails and more or control options for organizations or parents to set boundaries or limits.

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