Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Great Social Experiment

Richard Blaine posted a blog on Digital Landing about joining Facebook and the joys of re-connecting with old friends.

And to start us back up, I’m venturing into the world of “social networking“. Yes, at long last, I will have a Facebook page!

You might be wondering what the big deal is. Why wouldn’t I have had a Facebook page already? I’d actually registered a year or two back - just to see what was going on, but had never even filled in my profile. There are a few reasons that I held out this long:

The entire blog.

What is a "Friend"?

Richard Blaine posted a blog on Digital Landing about Facebook, and how the term ‘friend’ is thrown about too lightly.

So, as part of the grand experimment in social networking, I’ve been on Facebook for over a week. I have 32 “friends”. Some of those people have over a hundred Facebook friends. I know for a fact that hese people aren’t nearly that popular away from their PC.

In the “real” world, friend is not a term I throw around lightly. Friendship implies trust, camaraderie, shared interests and ideals. A friend is someone you want to spend time with. Someone you can count on when you need them. Somebody you could ask when you need a ride to the airport (OK - some friends believe that the airport run goes beyond the bounds of friendship). In the real world, if you asked me how many friends I have - not acquaintances, not poker buddies - actual friends - I’m pretty sure the final count would come in well under my 32 Facebook friends -and the Facebook friend requests are still pouring in. I should hit 50 by the end of the week. Because of Facebook is the word Friend losing it’s value?

Read the rest of the article.


There’s a new blog up on Digital Landing. It’s about a cool website called Flipswap, where you can trade in your old electronics for money.

Flipswap is a new option for getting rid of your old cell phone or Apple iPod. Trade in hundreds of models for Amazon gift cards or recycle models that are outdated or unable to be fixed.

The average cell phone user gets a new device every 18 months. Meanwhile, tons of electronic waste are building up in landfills. Recycling for reuse or destruction in environmentally sustainable ways are the only responsible options when it comes to getting rid of your old device.

Flipswap makes it easy by paying for shipping on your device and giving you a gift card for a trade-in value if you qualify or planting a tree through its reLeaf project.

It only take a few minutes to search for your model and see what your trade-in value might be. Turn that trash into treasure!

found via

Friday, October 24, 2008

Could Facebook dash your child's college dream?

Chris McGinn has posted a new blog at called Could Facebook dash your child's college dream?

If you needed another reason to help your kids monitor what they write and do on Facebook, MySpace and other networking sites, consider this: 10 percent of college admissions counselors at prestigious universities say they check out potential students pages and 38 percent say they have rejected a student based on what they found.

You should know some colleges do consider the pages off-limits in decision making and personal, but others are looking. Regardless of whether your child’s college admissions office views them, odds are good that future employers might.

With more and more of our lives being available on-line, personal privacy and restraint is more necessary than ever. Teach your children the importance of using privacy options on MySpace and Facebook and check to make sure they are. Remind them not to post anything they wouldn’t want their parents or their future teachers or employers looking at. It could save their education or their career.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A New Kind of Premiere

Jessie Atkin has posted a new blog at called a A New Kind of Premiere.

Film on Facebook is one of the many social networking projects the site has created to connect fans and utilize the community building power of the internet.

Specifically Film on Facebook is a group that connects film makers and fans. Filmakers can post behind the scenes videos, photos, showtimes, and comments through what facebook designates as “fan pages”. The most newsworthy bit is the premiere of One Track Mind (by Woodshed films), a surfing movie, directly on facebook this past week (October 16 and 17). There was a live chat session online as well.

The internet is a the new way to promote anything so film is no surprise. Facebook is an especially good stage for such promotion since the site already has a built in audience. The movie industry is going to have to deal with file sharing and rights in much the same way the music industry has struggled the past few years. But Imagine the possibilities if the movie industry were to get on board rather than figh the inevitable.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Moving may open the door to new tech choices

There’s a new article up on digital landing about moving and being able to keep your internet/cable provider.

Changing addresses? Now may be a great time to take stock of your cable, satellite, digital phone, and Internet services and make any necessary changes.

Read the rest of the article.

A New Space Nation

Jessie Atkin has posted a new blog at called A New Space Nation

South Korea has now joined the worldwide race for space. It’s not as much of a race today, but that fact is they are now ready to take their first step to joining the ranks of orbit bound countries around the rest of the planet. Perhaps it’s not privately funded like The Google X prize here in the US, but it’s still a step forward for the world as a whole.

The KSLV-1 (unveiled at the Naro Space Center in Goheung) will be capable of putting Korea’s first satellite into orbit sometime between April and June of 2009. It’s a big deal. Our new frontier is in the news again and things look to be moving forward as we continue exploration up and out.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lets Face It

Jessie Atkin has posted a new blog at called Lets Face It

Facebook. It’s not a gadget per se, but it deserves discussion . There are so many assumptions and conflicts surrounding social networks now that sometimes the real reason and use of the things just disappear.

First, of all the social networks (popular ones including: Myspace, Twitter, Friendster, and Friendfeed) I’m a Facebook user. So, this post is going to focus on the Facebook specifics, though many of the main points apply to all social networks in general.

Lets be clear, Facebook started as a web site meant to link college students, and then moved to allow high school students, and finally to the world in general. So, in the beginning, Facebook had everything right. Not to be self centered, but who needs a simple way to stay connected more than college age students? Who could learn to use Facebook faster than teenagers? Far from home with friends spread across the world Facebook provided a simple way to say “hey” and post a picture or two. It was of course main stream media and the elders who made things “unsafe” on the internet.

Complete Blog

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Turning over a new leaf

Chris McGinn has posted a new blog at called Turning over a new leaf.

I got my new edition of Family Fun magazine in the mail today. I love tearing out ideas for crafts and recipes to do with my kids as they age. But now I don’t have to!

Family Fun is one of 40 magazines that has joined Coverleaf, an online magazine viewing and clipping site. TItles such as Better Homes and Gardens, Fortune, Wondertime, and Scrapbooks, etc are among the magazines available on the site.
If you have a print subscription to a magazine the service is FREE. If you don’t have a subscription you can buy one for a low rate or even buy the issue for as low as 99 cents.

If you are looking for ways to declutter your home, this may be a great option for all those “clips” you have hanging around.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Modern Day List for Santa

Chris McGinn has a new blog post on Digital Landing called A modern day list for Santa.

For the past few years, I’ve been trying out various online wish lists to organize the grandparents, aunts and uncles on how to buy for my son.

Originally, I used Wishlist but now I have moved to Kaboodle. The genius of both of these sites is letting you choose gifts for your site from any retailer rather than just one like Target or even Amazon.

I prefer Kaboodle now because it is part of a whole community so it is easier to see what everyone else has on their lists, making it easier to get ideas that might work for me. I also like having my own Kaboodle lists to keep track of things I find online that I might like to buy one day or so my husband can see what I have my eye on.

Kaboodle is easy to use with their helpful toolbar add-on so you can quickly add items you find online to your list complete with pricing, picture, and description. You can also add things you find on other people’s lists directly from the site without having to locate them online.

On Kaboodle you can create multiple lists under your account so you can have wish lists for various holidays or topics like “If I Had A MIllion Dollars” or “Baby Shower.” You can also create Polls if you can’t decide what you want and let others make the choice for you.

Another cool trick is a widget to add the list to your blog or MySpace page–perfect for advertising it to potential gift buyers.

If you’re just someone who likes to shop anyway and stay up on the latest styles, Kaboodle is a great way to keep up. It has featured Kaboodlers and continually updates with what’s hot on people’s lists.

For those with older children, they can add their own wishes as they browse the web–a modern Santa’s list.

This holiday season I highly recommend Kaboodle to keep track of everyone’s wishlists.

Mac Attack

Jessie Atkin has a new blog post on Digital Landing called MacAttack.

There are a few new and obvious design changes. No longer encased in black or white plastic the MacBook follows in the footsteps of its brother the MacBook Pro (also with it’s own upgrade) with a new aluminum body. The trackpad on the new Mac is now click sensitive, no more buttons. With new features like LED backlighting, a crumb resistant keyboard (just like the MacBook Air) and new integrated graphics for supposed more responsive game play and realistic environments.

The new line comes in both a 13 inch Macbook and 15 inch Pro models (priced at $1299 and $1999 respectively). Is it the greatest leap we’ve ever seen? Probably not, but Mac continues to be pleasing to the eye and as dependable on the inside as it was before.

For more info on what Apple has to offer, check out Digital Landing's Apple section

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Change to Digital Television

You've seen all the ads about the upcoming changeover to Digital TV, but do you know how it will affect you?

Beginning February 17, 2009, all full-power broadcast stations will cease analog broadcasts and only be viewable through a digital tuner.

Digital Landing has an informative new section that explains it all - what you need to do, what you need to buy and how to save money doing it.

Licensed To Drive - New Blog Post

Chris McGinn has a new post on Digital Landing called Licensed To Drive

Parents of teen drivers may breathe easier with Ford’s new MyKey offering, which allows parents to limit speed and audio volume among other things...
Read the full post

One For Five - New Blog Post

Jessie Atkin has a new blog post on Digital Landing entitled One for Five

If you’re like me, or at least own a computer, odds are that the wiring clutter on your desk can get a little hard to handle (especially when moving, like in and out of a dorm room). Well, here’s a chance to simplify the mess...
Read the entire post


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