Monday, October 20, 2008

Lets Face It

Jessie Atkin has posted a new blog at called Lets Face It

Facebook. It’s not a gadget per se, but it deserves discussion . There are so many assumptions and conflicts surrounding social networks now that sometimes the real reason and use of the things just disappear.

First, of all the social networks (popular ones including: Myspace, Twitter, Friendster, and Friendfeed) I’m a Facebook user. So, this post is going to focus on the Facebook specifics, though many of the main points apply to all social networks in general.

Lets be clear, Facebook started as a web site meant to link college students, and then moved to allow high school students, and finally to the world in general. So, in the beginning, Facebook had everything right. Not to be self centered, but who needs a simple way to stay connected more than college age students? Who could learn to use Facebook faster than teenagers? Far from home with friends spread across the world Facebook provided a simple way to say “hey” and post a picture or two. It was of course main stream media and the elders who made things “unsafe” on the internet.

Complete Blog

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