Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mac Attack

Jessie Atkin has a new blog post on Digital Landing called MacAttack.

There are a few new and obvious design changes. No longer encased in black or white plastic the MacBook follows in the footsteps of its brother the MacBook Pro (also with it’s own upgrade) with a new aluminum body. The trackpad on the new Mac is now click sensitive, no more buttons. With new features like LED backlighting, a crumb resistant keyboard (just like the MacBook Air) and new integrated graphics for supposed more responsive game play and realistic environments.

The new line comes in both a 13 inch Macbook and 15 inch Pro models (priced at $1299 and $1999 respectively). Is it the greatest leap we’ve ever seen? Probably not, but Mac continues to be pleasing to the eye and as dependable on the inside as it was before.

For more info on what Apple has to offer, check out Digital Landing's Apple section

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