Friday, October 24, 2008

Could Facebook dash your child's college dream?

Chris McGinn has posted a new blog at called Could Facebook dash your child's college dream?

If you needed another reason to help your kids monitor what they write and do on Facebook, MySpace and other networking sites, consider this: 10 percent of college admissions counselors at prestigious universities say they check out potential students pages and 38 percent say they have rejected a student based on what they found.

You should know some colleges do consider the pages off-limits in decision making and personal, but others are looking. Regardless of whether your child’s college admissions office views them, odds are good that future employers might.

With more and more of our lives being available on-line, personal privacy and restraint is more necessary than ever. Teach your children the importance of using privacy options on MySpace and Facebook and check to make sure they are. Remind them not to post anything they wouldn’t want their parents or their future teachers or employers looking at. It could save their education or their career.

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