Monday, January 19, 2009

Digital TV Delay?

Chris McGinn posted a new blog up on Digital Landing. Read about the possible change in date of the TV conversion from digital and analog signals to only digital.

The digital TV conversion may be delayed from its February 17 deadline. On that day, all broadcast stations are dropping their analog signals and will only send out digital signals, but president-elect Barack Obama is requesting Congress rethink the move.

The primary concern is that the government program providing $40 coupons for the purchase of converters is out of money. Currently, you can still get on the coupon waiting list, but the coupon most likely would not be received until after the conversion date, if at all.

Even if the move is delayed, it is going to happen so don’t put off getting yourself ready. For more information, check out Digital Landing’s page about the Digital TV Conversion.

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