Monday, January 19, 2009

Present Day Picasso

Jessie Atkin posted a blog up on Digital Landing. Read about the concept of a digital way to be an artist, past the programs of 'paint'.

Paint has come a long way from paint brush pens to Squeezable 3D options and mess less Color Wonder stuff options continue to exceed all of our most basic needs. But what about us tech people?

Well, aside from the all out professional drawing boards and photoshops of the world a new concept for digital painting brings all the wonders of the real thing to the screen.

Virtuo, a digital toolset could help all of us beginners get a feel for the art without the mess (and we’d look a lot cooler than using that color wonder stuff). The concept is basically a digital pallet with pens, brushes, the whole deal, just no need for paper. Use real painting skills on a less than real canvas.

Too bad it’s just a concept now, but it still look pretty sweet.

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