Monday, January 19, 2009

A Fresh Start

Chris McGinn posted a blog up on Digital Landing. Read about how you can track your expenses online and see how much you're really spending.

I love this time of year. Starting over with new calendars, new budgets, new resolutions.

In the past I have tried to track my finances with Quicken or Microsoft Money, but this year I learned all about the world of Wesabe, Mint and other online options for making sense of my money.

With the financial world quaking all around, it is more important than ever to get smart about your money and at least have some sense of where it is going. Now is the perfect time to sign up for a service (most are free) and start tracking your expenses. How much is eating out costing you? What are you paying for groceries every month? Who knows, you may find you are paying more for your phone or cable service than you thought. Don’t forget you can shop around at Digital Landing for the best deals on digital service in your area.

Good luck :)

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