Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A New Way To Resolution

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog up on Digital Landing! Read about the new way to motivate those whose resolutions are to lose weight.

It’s almost 2009 and that means it’s new year’s resolutions time. Every year lots of people swear they’ll exercise more, at least now we have new tools to achieve that. (Even is you’re afraid of the video games and against “fake” exercise whether or not it works). That no longer means technology can’t help you.

Sega (yes it is a toy company) will soon be sending help for those less motivated outdoors types. The FiTrainer is a set of headphones with a built in motivational speaker (that’s the idea anyway). It comes with three exercise modes and looks exactly like a pair of headphones. The best part is that, at the very least, you won’t look like more of an idiot speed walking down the street.

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