Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Festival of Lights

Jessie Atkin posted a blog up on Digital Landing. Read about the electronic menorah for people who prefer not to use candlelight.

So it’s that time of year again (although according to television and those carols on the radio its been that time of year since October). The truth is, it’s the holiday season, for reals this time, and there’s no way out. Hanukkah began last night at sundown and Christmas is still on its way.

I’m not going to talk about the best techie gifts just now, plenty of people already do that. I just wanted to point out one cool little gizmo I found laying about the internet, The LED motherboard menorah. It’s exactly what it sounds like people.

Why would you want one? Well, there’s been a market out for light bulb menorahs, and velcro menorahs for years, how about an update? I like it. And for those of us living dorms where open flames are not really permissible this holiday season, this seems like a cool little consolation prize.

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