Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Protect your child online with Mee

Chris McGinn posted a blog up on Digital Landing. Read about how to protect your child online with a new program called Mee.

The Mee is a new generation of parental control for your child’s computer use. It lets mom and dad have more ability to control what kids can access as well as more information about what your child is doing online including screenshots and keyboard monitoring.

More and more parents want help keeping their children safe online and companies are meeting the need. As cyber-crime increases and children are exposed to the Internet at younger ages, parents are seeking help in creating safe, age-appropriate environments for their children online. Recently, I posted about a few web-based options.

Designed for kids ages 4-17, the Mee is installed via flash drive to your computer. The child can also take the flash drive for use on any computer so parents can keep up with them, wherever they may be.

When installed, the Mee creates an age-specific environment for children and teens to use to navigate their computers including their photographs, approved applications and websites. Parents can set restrictions on specific web sites, block certain words or personal information from being typed or received, and set time limits.

Parents can get alerts via email or mobile phone when your child attempts to navigate to a blocked site, types inappropriate words, or recieves unsolicited content. The Mee also sends parents alerts regarding FDA and toy recalls, weather emergencies and sex offenders locations in your area.

Whether you employ a website or a device like Mee, the need remains to monitor your children in age-appropriate way as you teach them safe and useful practices for the web. How do you keep your kids safe online?

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