Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Never Miss a Smile

Chris McGinn posted a blog up on Digital Landing. Read about the camera that snaps the shot when your teeth show.

We finally took our holiday photo this weekend. It turned out cute despite ending in tears and a few drops of blood when my littlest took a header off the bench he was sitting on with his brother while I snapped away with my camera. Ah, holiday memories . . .

Sony has a new camera technology to make sure you never miss the smile when you take pictures. The Cybershot’s Smile Shutter feature actually recognizes the human smile to click at the precise moment a grin appears. It’s really pretty neat stuff.

The feature lets you set the sensitivity so you are sure to get just what you are looking for. You can also turn the feature off since not all pictures have to have smiling subjects.

Here is a video showing it in action.

For other great holiday tech gift ideas, check out our wi-fi gift guide.

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