Wednesday, December 31, 2008

5 Minutes Peace

Jessie Atkin posted a blog up on Digital Landing! Read about a relaxation center built for college students at the University of Hertfordshire.

We’ve passed the mid point in the college year so I know that we college students could use a little more downtime and relaxation in our lives (odds are most people could). The problem is often time, but in the shared living space of a dorm space itself too becomes a problem.

Professors at the University of Hertfordshire however have worked out what they believe to be the most relaxing room in the world. With soft matting, lavender scented pillows, glade inspired green light, a specially soothing soundtrack, and an artificial blue sky it doesn’t sound half bad.

Not all of us are lucky enough to be able to go test out such a space, but the concept is promising. Imagine if all student centers had a relaxation room? Perhaps campus stress would decrease, it wouldn’t hurt. The only problem would be over crowding when it cam down to finals time.

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