Wednesday, December 31, 2008

To Blu-Ray or not to Blu-Ray

Chris McGinn posted a blog up on Digital Landing. Learn about Blu-Ray and the impact it's having on our DVD buying today.

I love the latest technology trends, but my budget is usually a few years behind. Case in point–Blu-ray. I would love to buy one this holiday, but I know the price will go down. Currently they run about $300+ although some makers already dip into the $200s.

One of my earliest money memories is of my parents buying their first VCR. It was about 1985 and it cost $700. It was fancy. It had stereo sound and special features for the nascent technology. Now, of course you can get a VCR for about $30.

Blu-ray, however, is smart. It has already beaten out its competitor HD DVD to be the next generation format of choice. Sony, who lost the Beta vs. VHS war, made its stand with Blu-ray and won out.

New movies are being released in Blu-Ray format and my neighborhood video store has an ever-growing wall of Blu-ray discs. Also, unlike DVD players vs. VHS, the new Blu-rays can play my current library of DVDs.

Now the real question in my family is do I invest in Disney Blu-Ray DVDs like the new release Sleeping Beauty or stick to the traditional DVDs. I know I am going to have them for years to come, and I really don’t want to have to replace them all a few years down the road.

I guess I may be checking out those Blu-rays sooner than I thought.

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