Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cute Technology

Jessie Atkin posted a blog up on Digital Landing. Read about the all new chumby, a cute animal that doubles as an alarm clock.

Have you ever wished for an internet pillow? A stuffed animal that streems music? Or a fun widget screener away from the computer? Maybe not, but that doesn’t make those capabilities any less fun.

That’s where the chumby comes in. The chumby is exactly what is sounds like, cute. It’s like an alarm clock posing as a pillow. It comes with a full color screen on one side, USB ports and charger opposite, and a squishy sort of fabric cover the rest of the way around.

The chumby is about the size of an average alarm clock and offers an alarm just like its predecesor, except this time you can wake up to music, podcasts, or even music videos. For more fun you can even access widgets from your chumby including facebook, twitter, and now pandora radio.

Pandora is chumby’s newest feature, and a nice one I’d say. You no longer need to worry about waking up to a commercial or setting up a playlist, pandora takes care of it for you.

The chumby is cute, and is always adding features. If only the price would drop everyone would be happy.

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