Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing. Read about the injuries people are getting because of the Nintendo Wii gaming system.

Achey knees, sore wrists and tennis elbow. No, it’s not the lunch conversation at grandma’s house–it’s what doctors are calling “wii-itis.”

Doctors in Britain say that 10 people a week are hospitalized with injuries caused by playing Nintendo Wii games. That’s just crazy.

I presume that often these injuries are the result of people who aren’t used to being physically active over-doing it. The article also says that sudden movements in games where participants play tennis or run are also to blame.

One malady dubbed “Wii-knee” is blamed on the bending of the knee in the Wii-Fit game. I wonder if this is just a case of poor design or poor athletic conditioning. Treatment for the condition includes months of shots and therapy.

I applaud Nintendo for getting people off the couch to play but perhaps there should be some additional warning about not overdoing it. I wouldn’t want to explain that one to my insurance company.

Play safe!

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