Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Snow Improvment

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog up on Digital Landing. Read about the new device that will make you the MVP in snowball fights.

Lets be honest, its started to snow (in most places that get snow anyway) and it is time for outdoor winter activities. No, I’m not talking about skiing, or snowboarding (I don’t even get snow shoeing) I’m not even referring specifically to sledding, I’m thinking more snowball fights.

It’s difficult enough to pack a correct projectile (not any simple powder will work) add to that the awkwardness of gloves and the sensibility of fingers, and snowball fights become an all out battle of endurance and perseverance. Technology helps in all other areas of our lives, why not in the winter wonderland? (Especially in time for the holidays)

That’s where the Snowball Launcher comes in. It’s exactly what it sounds like. This particular advancement to extreme winter sports can shoot snowballs up to 50 feet (no mere athletic skill can give you the upper hand anymore) . Add to that the fact the launcher will pack snowballs for you (3 at a time) and it’s like a dream come true. See who doesn’t want you on their team now :)

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