Monday, January 19, 2009

Up in the Atmosphere

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog up on Digital Landing. Read about the latest discovery that methane linked to life on Mars.

Methane is the principle component of natural gas, it’s a greenhouse gas and has high global warming capabilities. Methane can be produced by anaerobic processes and methanogenesis . Digestion processes too release methane into our own earthly air. Methane has also been found on Mars.

It’s in the atmosphere, says NASA, and along with ice, the methane gas points again towards the possibility of life (now or at some other point) on our red neighbor. Geological activity (like volcanoes) or microorganisms could possibly have produced this newest find, and the need to continue exploration is now, as usual, obvious. Hey, if no one else wants to go, I’m all for the job :) .

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