Monday, January 19, 2009

Guitar Hero for the preschool set

Chris McGinn posted a new blog up on Digital Landing. Read about how everyone can experience the fun of Guitar Hero/Rock Band, no matter how good/bad they are.

Parent Hacks has an interesting discussion going on about how to help your little ones join in the fun with Guitar Hero and Rock Band (1 & 2). While you are jamming away, your preschooler or toddler can join in with extra guitars for older game versions or by using the program’s “no-fail” mode. I didn’t even know such a thing existed.

Instead of getting frustrated and booed off the stage when they miss notes, they can play till their little hearts content. Apparently, you have to use a “cheat code” (one parent reveals the cheat) to access that mode in Guitar Hero. Only Rock Band 2 has it for the other game, not the original version.

What’s your trick for letting the littlest ones join in on the video game fun?

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