Monday, January 19, 2009

It’s 3D

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog up on Digital Landing. Read about the all new printer that can do what a normal printer can't; print in 3D!

We’ve got 3D movies why not 3D printers? Okay, so one really doesn’t have anything to do with the other, but they’re both pretty fun, right? It’s much more difficult to develop your own at home 3D movie (especially without those special glasses) but at home 3D printing has come a little bit closer. At least now the printer will fit in a home.

The Alaris 30 is really one of the first some what desk top sized 3D printer. Basically you can print models when ever you like, even with moving parts! It’s really set for office work and concept type of stuff, but personal model creations are never out of the running. Once the price is released I’m sure it’ll be a bit too much for me, but a kid can dream right?

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