Sunday, May 10, 2009

300,000 texts in a month? Say what?!

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing about the insane story of a text message maniac.

I saw this story about a teen who made 300,000+ texts in a single month on Switched. Can you believe it?

In recent months there have been stories about teens with 15000+ text messages but this really goes over and above the call of duty. The original report ran on a Sacramento, CA television station where they calculated she would have to send 7 texts a minute to make that rate. I’m skeptical of the claim because she also says she has a full-time job and gets straight A’s in school. However, I don’t have a teenager so I’m not a good judge of that.

Fortunately her mom has the unlimited message plan otherwise it might have cost $30,000+.

Makes your kid’s 3,000 texts sound minor, huh?

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