Sunday, May 10, 2009

Free Friday

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing! Read about Hulu's commercial free day.

This Friday Hulu will begin broadcasting commercial free entertainment (for one night only).

Again, through it’s advertising partners (this time specifically brought to you by Mcdonald’s McCafe ) Hulu will be able to provide legal, free, and quality streaming of both movies and television on the internet.

I’m not a big coffee or fast food person, but I fully support and appreciate this step by Mcdonalds and hope that other companies may follow suit and provide more than one commercial free day. Nissan used to provide limited commercial breaks during Heroes episodes on NBC and I appreciated the extra show time and limited interruptions even then.

There is still a way for companies to advertise without hindering the viewing experience or losing out to Tivo. Advertisers just need to get creative, you get more with honey than you do with vinegar.

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