Sunday, May 10, 2009

Social networking for the not-so-social

J. D. Hughes wrote an article on Digital Landing. Think of social networking sites as modern day rotary clubs and suddenly they don't seem so techy or foreign. Digital Landing breaks down the usefulness of social networking sites like Myspace, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Wondering whether a social network is worth your time and trouble? Thinking you might be able to use it to keep in touch with business contacts, but are afraid it just might be a huge time sink? Social networks such as Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn offer many opportunities for businesspeople -- but it's wise to do a little groundwork before logging in. (Digital Landing's An Introduction to Social Networks might also be helpful.)

Industry observers predicted -- incorrectly -- that last year would see large gains in the businesspeople user segment. While they are catching on, their growth among adults and, in particular, business users, has not yet exploded. Adoption has been slower than expected, according to the results of Pew Internet & American Life Project's December 2008 tracking survey.

Finish the article.

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