Sunday, May 3, 2009

Virtual in Reality

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing. Read up on the latest in making virtual seem more real.

Virtual reality has been around long enough, but lets be honest, it has always been far more virtual than realistic. Researchers at the University of Tsukuba in Japan hope to change at least part of that.

Researchers have been developing what they call CirculaFloor which would simulate and, in a sense, solve the issue of mobility surrounding all virtual reality games today. How do you walk and not bump into a table that exists in your living room but not in your game? Basically the system would use four robotic tiles that change position and move backwards to keep the player in relatively the same spot while simulating the idea of movement.

At the moment the tiles still move pretty slowly, and are pretty bulky, but the concept is solid. The cartoon simulation definitely makes the whole idea look pretty cool.

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