Saturday, May 16, 2009

Signes Sealed Delivered

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing! Read up on tracking how long your mail takes to get to you.

I know I never get my mail on time. I get comics and magazines a week late and who know how long it’s taking those letters to reach my mail box.

Well now there is a solution (sort of) DAG Design Lab has introduced the times post card. It’s exactly what it sounds like, a post card you can mail with a count up clock attached. It’s not useful or anything, just amusing. I wish they’d attach clocks to my magazine subscriptions rather than my post cards, but it’s a start. We’ve got email for simple messages, lets time what we can only get by post. If print media wants to continue to compete with the internet then maybe a time test and a result of more timely delivery wouldn’t be a bad plan.

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