Sunday, May 10, 2009

More than a Tri - Pod

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about the latest in helping you take pictures.

As digital cameras continue to evolve so too does the equipment that surrounds them (though often not quite as quickly).

Everyone’s seen a tripod but most people don’t own one. It’s not that they’re not useful, they are, they are really really useful. It’s simply that tripods are bulky and really travel friendly for the casual photographer. That’s where the Universal Pod comes in.

The Universal Pod claims to reduce the need for an all out tripod and fit safely in a knapsack or purse. The pod (that looks kind of like a mini flattened bean bag) attaches to the base of an average digital camera and then sticks firmly to a variety of surfaces. You can set a funny angle, steady a shot, or goof around. Sounds useful enough to me, though I wonder what sticking to “almost any” surface actually entails.

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