Thursday, November 27, 2008

Black Friday

Chris McGinn posted a blog up on Digital Landing about Black Friday. There are multiple sites out there that let you see the best savings in advance.

Black Friday (the Friday after Thanksgiving that kicks off the holiday shopping season) is nearly upon us. Thanks to over-eager deal seekers you no longer have to wait to get the paper next week to see the greatest sales. A flurry of sites–,,,, and– have popped up to give you the details and even ad scans for all your favorite stores and seasonal must-haves. (Thanks to Consumer Reports’ Tightwad Tod for the list)

I have to confess that in general I try to avoid the insanity of shopping on Black Friday, but I have ventured out a few times. A couple of years ago I went to Kohl’s on a mission to get a very well priced heated mattress pad. I saw people jumping out of cars on the interstate and darting through chainlink fences to get to the door quicker–insanity. However, I did get my prize–even if it was in the absolute furthest corner of the store from where I came in.

Happy Hunting!

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