Saturday, November 15, 2008

Google Flu Trends

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing about how Google can be used to track flu trends.

I think we are just beginning to touch the power of Google. I heard a report on the radio a few months ago about the massive amounts of data that Google processes daily and what could be learned from it. Now it is starting to make small steps into reality.

Enter Google Flu Trends. Google did an experiment tracking the rise in flu-related search terms and compared to it to CDC tracking reports. The results were strikingly accurate. Not only that–they were 2 weeks ahead of CDC reporting. The idea is that the number of people searching for flu-related articles and information correlates with people who actually have flu or flu-like illness.

Flu Trends is part of’s Predict and Prevent initiative to support efforts to :

“identify hotspots where new infectious diseases may emerge, detect new pathogens and outbreaks earlier, and respond quickly to prevent local threats from becoming global crises. “

Now you can use Google’s power to keep an eye on flu trends in your state so you can keep you and your family healthier.

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