Saturday, November 15, 2008

Coupons go mobile

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing about the new and improved way to use coupons. Instead of clipping out pieces of paper, they can be sent to your phone.

The days of clipping coupons are numbered. First there were printable coupons, and now there are digital coupons downloadable directly to your cell phone.

Cellfire deals can be downloaded from your PC directly to your phone or even your store rewards card. In addition, if you see an ad online with the Cellfire logo you can click on it to save or if you hear or see and ad on TV, print or radio where Cellfire is a sponsor, you can “text to save” the deal. When you get ready to use the deal, you access the saved deal from your phone and view the code needed by the retailer. It’s that easy!

Cellfire deals are available from regional and national stores like Kroger, GameStop, Hardees, Ralph’s, Hollywood Video, Fry’s, KFC, and more.

I hope this catches on. I always finding myself at the store and my coupon at home!

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