Thursday, November 27, 2008

Where No Network Has Gone Before…

Richard Blaine posted a new blog up on Digital Landing! He explains the usefulness and convenience of a wireless bridge.

All of a sudden, all sorts of electronics need to access the internet and they are nowhere near my network. I didn’t hard-wire my living room for ethernet. My media pc is wireless and I never foresaw the need. Now I need multiple net connections and I don’t want to tear the walls open again.

First - here’s why I suddenly need new network connections:

My DirecTV dvr downloads “on demand” programming over the internet and needs a high-speed connecion using an ethernet cable. Of course, even though it has a USB port, it won’t take a USB wireless adapter. (By the way, a quick note to the folks at DirecTV - “on demand” means “give it to me when I ask for it”. It doesn’t mean “give it to me after I ask for it, put it in the queue and download it to my dvr”.)

Read the full blog here.

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