Thursday, November 27, 2008

To Reach the Masses

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog up on Digital Landing about fire side chats, which is a way to tune in to what's going on in the White House.

Just because the election’s over doesn’t mean politics is through utilizing the internet until four years from now. Youtube is once again going to play host to political innovation.

The fire side chat (a short presidential radio speech in place since FDR’s presidency) will begin broadcasting on Youtube when Obama takes office.

I’ve honestly never listened to one of these fire side chats, but I’m much more likely to look into it if it’s on Youtube. On my own time, through my own procrastination listening to a few minutes of the President seems like a much more likely practice online. We’ve got a little time to go, but we’ll see what kind of view count Obama gets once his chats are posted.

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