Thursday, February 26, 2009

Communicating on the Fly

Jessie Atkin posted a blog up on Digital Landing. Read about how you may soon be able to use your phone to communicate while on a plane, through texting!

So, all this hype over cell phone use on airplanes, I haven’t been too excited to be honest. Why do I want to be in an overly cramped space, with overly crabby people, and then get stuck listening to someone yap about work or the weather for a million hours?

Well, British Airways has come up with a way to please everyone. You don’t have to talk in this day and age to stay in touch, so they’re going to initiate a trial one of in flight texting. That’s right, phone conversation’s younger brother. That way everyone can gripe about the horrible trip without making it more horrible for the person next to them.

I see it as a win win situation, as long as people know enough texting edict to keep their elbows out of other people’s personal space.

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