Thursday, February 26, 2009


Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing. Read about the need for better designed 3D glasses and the re-vote on the transition of digital television.

A couple of notes on recent posts:

1) The 3-D commercials and Chuck have aired,and I am curious what people thought. I, for one, was underwhelmed. Apparently, I’m not alone. I think I was expecting more “in my face” action like the bouncy ball on the “Monsters vs. Aliens” promo. Also, the 3-D glasses were as uncomfortable as ever. If they are going to really go hard-core with this, they are going to have to come out with a better option. I did find that I had to hold them the just-right distance from my face to get the 3-D effect and that was a real pain. Did I miss something?

2) The digital TV transition delay is going for Round Two in the House this week. The initial vote to postpone the transition to June was defeated, but it up for a re-vote on Wednesday.Because it only requires a majority vote this go around, it is likely to pass with no problem. Wired has a nice article on the likely effect of the delay including a possible patchwork implementation and a loss of thousands or millions of dollars by TV stations and others. Are you ready?

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