Thursday, February 26, 2009

Kindle 2

Chris McGinn posted a blog up on Digital Landing. Read about the newer version of Kindle, the way to read books without lugging about books.

Amazon\'s Kindle 2

Amazon has announced the newest member of the Kindle family.

The Kindle 2 is sleeker and lighter but has a stronger battery. The Amazon homepage touts it as being thinner than a magazine and lighter than a paperback. It also can operate for two weeks on a single charge.

The Kindle 2 can also store 1,500 titles and with its text-to-speech feature it can even read it to you.

You can download more than 230,000 different titles to the Kindle 2, including more than 100 books on the NYT best seller list. Amazon says their goal is to have every book ever written available for download.

The new device will be available Feb. 24, 2009 and they are now accepting preorders. Price is $359.

If you already own a Kindle, you can get first priority if you place your order by midnight PST tonight (Feb. 10).

I’ve been a little skeptical in the past, but this new version is very enticing. See Amazon’s site for complete details. I never thought I would really be able to make the switch, but I can begin to see the appeal.

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