Thursday, February 26, 2009

Not Just Time

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing. Read about the latest advances in watch technology.

Watches don’t just tell time anymore, often they don’t tell time at all. The fact is, they’re still portable, always have been, and that makes them a great base for any on the go gadget.

Thanko has released a video camera watch in a new MP4 version. It comes with a color screen and both photo and video camera capabilities. The quality of said video is pretty poor but what do you expect from a watch? It’s a little large, but someone out there should be able to pull it off. (And it still tells time too).

Also new on the market is the asteroid wrist watch. It’s exactly what it sounds like, a wrist watch that plays the old school asteroid game. You don’t even need buttons to slack off in class, you can play simply with a twist of your wrist. How convenient.

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