Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Apple!

Chris McGinn posted a blog up on Digital Landing. Apple cellebrated its 25th birthday in January, and it has come a long way in 25 years.

Yes, the iconic computer empire that started with the Apple Macintosh is turning 25 this weekend. I still remember my first encounter with a Mac–an Apple IIe–at my dad’s house when I was a tween. At that age, my only concern was for what games a computer could play and this one had Dark Castle. (Check out this link to unlock a hidden Dark Castle easter egg on your iPhone that has been reworked for touch-screens)

When I first began teaching in 1998, my classroom had a Mac that was almost as old as that first one I had seen nearly a decade before–and just as slow. Now, I have an eMac that I deperately need to replace. I’m eyeing the latest iMacs. Yes, Macs have been a part of my life for nearly two decades now.

Of course Apple isn’t just computers anymore. iPhones, iPods and more are shaping the new Apple. Even with Steve Jobs recent health issues, the company is sure to be setting trends for years to come.

Have your own vintage Mac memory? Share it at CNN iReport.

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