Thursday, February 26, 2009

Turnable Transformation

Jessie Atkin posted a blog up on Digital Landing. Read about the new technology that allows you to turn vinyl albums into mp3s.

I’ve heard nothing sounds like vinyl. I wouldn’t know, I kind of missed that musical revolution. Vinyl remains in style though, I know it looks cool, and now Numark has created a marriage of the past and the present in musical technology.

Numark’s TTi Turntable comes with a USB connection and dock for your ipod. This is perhaps the quickest and easiest way to transfer music straight from any old (or new) vinyl albums to your ipod library in MP3 format. (Software is included with purchase).

I can’t attest to sound quality, or what is lost in translation, but a straight transfer sure beats having to buy the tracks all over again on itunes if you want to take them on the go.

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