Sunday, April 26, 2009

Green Your Printing for St. Pat’s

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about the new software that can help save the planet.

GreenPrint is a software that analyzes what you print and helps you save money and paper by not printing pages with “junk” like a last page with just a URL, legal-ese or banner ads.

It will also track how many pages you have saved and what that means in money. The program also includes a PDF writer so you save documents rather than print them.

They have home and business versions. The basic World edition is FREE for PC and just $29 for MAC. The Home Premium version is faster, has an ad free preview and includes product upgrades and support. The business Enterprise version can run on multiple computers and track paper savings across a network as well as other features.

According to Green Print:

“If all US households with a computer used GreenPrint over $6 billion would be saved a year.

If all new computers used GreenPrint greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced by over 117 million tons. That’s the equivalent of removing 23 million cars from the road for an entire year.

If all new computers sold in 2006 used green print over 36 million trees would be saved every year.”

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