Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Ultimate in Lazy

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing! Learn how you can Twitter through a phone call.

So you can’t bring yourself to type 140 characters into Twitter. Now you can phone it in–literally!

Tweetcall lets you leave a message that is converted to text and posted to your Twitter account. Just call 1-877-TWEETCALL and leave your message. It’s free.

According to the website, your tweets are accuracy-checked by real people lest your message be misinterpreted.

“TweetCall is powered by Quicktate’s highly accurate transcription service, which uses humans to proofread all messages for proper syntax, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation before they are submitted.”

This could be a good option for people who aren’t tech savvy but still want to be in touch or people who can’t type for whatever reason.

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