Sunday, April 26, 2009


Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about how U.S. Congress members use Twitter, and how you can see it for yourself!

I really haven’t gotten into the whole “twitter” thing yet. Honestly, I just don’t have time with blogging and Facebook and that other “life” stuff.

But I did find a really interesting site last week that has me intrigued. It’s called TweetCongress and it is a clearinghouse site for all the members of the U.S. Congress who are on Twitter. You can even send requests to your Congresspeople to join if they aren’t already on Twitter.

From the site you can view the “tweetstream” for all the Congressmen and women from both sides of the aisle. They often post links to news shows they might be on or blog posts they have written. John McCain was posting a daily countdown of “pork” items in the recent spending bill.

I think what I like most about it is that you really feel like can learn a little about what is going on in our country without the filter of the media. You hear directly from your reps (or their staff likely) but without all the commentary. And they are limited to 140 characters so they can’t go on and on as politicians like to do.

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