Sunday, April 26, 2009

Twilight Mama

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about the great deals on Twilight DVDs.

I can’t let the weekend pass without commenting on the cultural phenomenon that is Twilight. I know I’m not the only Twilight Mom out there.

To be honest, it’s been a while since I have purchased a DVD. I typically prefer downloading to my Tivo via Amazon Unbox. However, I just had to have the three-disc set from Target.

Now buyers have so many options–one disc, two disc, blu-ray, HD, download.

Target scored with the three-disc bonus and they let buyers have a free download of the movie from iTunes.

Amazon kept their pre-order customers happy by offering a free digital download so you didn’t have to wait for delivery on Monday since the movie came out on Saturday (12:01 a.m.)

How did you get your Twilight fix?

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