Sunday, April 26, 2009

Universal Real Estate

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about the Kepler spacecraft that is going to explore the Milky Way.

We’ve seen Mars come and go. The Hubble telescope has continued to supply us with images of the far reaches of space even as the odds of another repair begin to fade. Now NASA is off in search of the very best science fiction has to offer.

The Kepler spacecraft is off to look for new earth’s (basically any other planet that could contain life, even just bacteria). Not any small goal. The Kepler is set to explore “our” sector of the Milky Way for planets in star systems similar to our own. Imagine what could be found (though it’ll take a bit of time) and think about the possibilities that any discovery would establish for the rest of the universe. Our galaxy is only one out of many, and we’ve barely explored any of it.

Kepler (if successful) will be a huge step forward in a much larger mission that is exploring the still unknown sectors of our universe. This isn’t the moment to cut funding, it’s a time to get the stars back on the news and reach out into the frontier that, in expanse, seems anything but final.

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