Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hear Me Now?

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing about the upgrade for using your iphone to talk while driving.

New York, California, we all know what it’s like to drive and not use the phone. Due to safety laws we’ve also gotten pretty familiar with the speaker functions on most of our cell phones. We know how convenient it can be but also how crabby it can make us. Sometimes you just can’t hear.

Well, for the iphone at least, now there’s a solution. The Sound Clip. The sound clip plugs directly into the iphones dock connector and enhances not only volume, but clarity. Word is the clip works not only for calls, but for games as well.

Unfortunately the clip only works with the iphone, and 3G specifically, but it’s a step forward for somebody. At only $7.95 it’s basically a steal.

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