Sunday, April 26, 2009

Under the Sea

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing. Read about the recently released underwater camcorder case.

Personal camcorders continue to gain in quality and function, and that goes for their accessories as well.

Canon has recently released information on its WP-V1 underwater housing for it’s new HD Vixia H20 and HF200 camcorders. It looks a lot prettier than underwater cases we’ve seen before, but it’s just as expensive. At nearly $600 you should be prepared to film a lot of fish or swim lessons for that kind of cash.

The cash doesn’t make the idea any less appealing though. Think of the possibilities in kids home movies or super on the cheap independent filming. There’s only so much land on the planet, most of earth is water anyway.

Footnote for genealogy research

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing! Read about and researching your genealogy.

Recently I have gotten into genealogy research and have been fascinated by the tantalizing bits of info I have found about some of my family members. To this point, I haven’t wanted to sign up for any of the services like because I am always hesitant to “subscribe” to sites.

However, I am very interested in a site called What sets it apart is that while you can subscribe to the site, you can also pay for individual documents. Just $1.95 each. So I could download the image of my ancestors page in the 1930s census for less than $2. I can save it on my computer or view it on the site whenever I want.

Footnote also has a social aspect with individuals being able to add information to the site or to pages for individuals appearing on the site. Great for families with several research lovers to connect.

Next I’m going to explore my local library which has the library edition. I’m not sure what I’ll be able to look up there, but I’m excited that it will be free!

How do you research family history?

Finally a photo organization solution?

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing. Read about how the new Apple iMac feature involving photos and faces.

I am just days away from ordering my new Apple iMac and one of the many features I am excited about is iPhoto’s facial recognition capabilities. Now maybe I can organize the thousands of photos I have of my family. With iLife ‘09, you can now identify people in a photo and iPhoto will search through your other photos for that person. You can also create special albums that are automatically updated as you add new photos.

I can’t wait to find all the other ways I can save time! What is your favorite Apple time-saving feature?

Rugged and Ready

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing. Read about the new digital camera that won't break without trying.

Digital camera’s are everywhere now (obviously) but, as with any camera, there pretty expensive and pretty fragile. Unless you get the kid friendly little tikes types odds are your camera will not survive a tumble down the stairs.

That’s why the Canon PowerShot D1 is a fantastic upgrade. It’s Canon’s first point and shoot with rugged capabilities (like being able to be submerged, dropped, freeze, to a point, and survive). Still with 3x zoom and 12 megapixels you’re not sacrificing quality, and as always it’s sleek and cool looking. Supposedly interchangeable face plates will also be offered with the D1 so you can customize your look.

$329 is pricey, but not out of range for the camera type and lets be honest, in the long run not having to pay for fixes and repairs may help the camera pay for itself.

Super Powers

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing. Read about the latest technological advances in decoding a person's feelings.

Well, it’s not Heroes but it is mind reading, and it is real.

Canada’s largest children’s hospital has come up with a way to read infrared light absorbed in the brain to decode a person’s feelings. They specifically tested drink preferences with subjects. They hope it the technology can be used to look at the true feelings of people who can’t speak.

So maybe you won’t be able to cheat off the kid sitting behind you during an exam, but helping those with physical limitations seems like a more heroic use of the skill anyway.

TV on YouTube?

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing! Read about you can watch tv shows through youtube.

Not that you haven’t already been checking out choice tv snippets and shows on YouTube, but now the site has formally partnered with names like Sony, LionsGate, CBS and MGM to offer favorites like 90210, StarTrek and MacGyver. YouTube’s show channel also has offerings from PBS, old favorites like I Dream of Jeannie and even soaps.

Joining Hulu and an ever-growing number of web tv sites, YouTube is trying to stay with the wave that is moving viewers online (and subsequently on-demand).

So how many hours a week do you watch on your computer rather than your tv?

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing! Read about how you can update multiple social networks at once!

I knew it had to exist–A way to update all of your social networks via a single site. I’m sure there have to be others but I found via Geek Sugar.

You can update up to 30 different social network sites like Twitter and Facebook via text or email to the site. Can you imagine the time-savings if you have multiple accounts?

This might be enough to make me jump into the Twitter-sphere.

The Ultimate in Lazy

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing! Learn how you can Twitter through a phone call.

So you can’t bring yourself to type 140 characters into Twitter. Now you can phone it in–literally!

Tweetcall lets you leave a message that is converted to text and posted to your Twitter account. Just call 1-877-TWEETCALL and leave your message. It’s free.

According to the website, your tweets are accuracy-checked by real people lest your message be misinterpreted.

“TweetCall is powered by Quicktate’s highly accurate transcription service, which uses humans to proofread all messages for proper syntax, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation before they are submitted.”

This could be a good option for people who aren’t tech savvy but still want to be in touch or people who can’t type for whatever reason.

Robots and Us

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing! Read about an interesting experiment involving people and robots in NYC.

This is probably the best idea ever. Not only does it exemplify disposable tech, it’s also incredibly amusing.

Tweenbots is a project by Tisch ITP students at NYU . The idea behind the project is to examine people’s relationships to space and how they interact with what they find there. Armed with a cardboard covered robot and a video camera the experiment is pretty excellent.

The web site has the cutest video of the little robot in Washington Square park and shows both the great people who help it along and the wary people who take a step away. The trick is the robot can only move forwards and absolutely depends on the help of strangers to get to its destination, the other side of the park.

Due to the unanticipated success of the first project other tweenbot scenarios are under development, including other traveling bots and a few that are left about the city with “family” phone numbers to call if they are found. I’d help out if I lived in New York City, I only wish I was capable enough to build my own robot in the first place.
Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing! Read about an interesting experiment involving people and robots in NYC.

This is probably the best idea ever. Not only does it exemplify disposable tech, it’s also incredibly amusing.

Tweenbots is a project by Tisch ITP students at NYU . The idea behind the project is to examine people’s relationships to space and how they interact with what they find there. Armed with a cardboard covered robot and a video camera the experiment is pretty excellent.

The web site has the cutest video of the little robot in Washington Square park and shows both the great people who help it along and the wary people who take a step away. The trick is the robot can only move forwards and absolutely depends on the help of strangers to get to its destination, the other side of the park.

Due to the unanticipated success of the first project other tweenbot scenarios are under development, including other traveling bots and a few that are left about the city with “family” phone numbers to call if they are found. I’d help out if I lived in New York City, I only wish I was capable enough to build my own robot in the first place.

Cell Phone Building Blocks

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing! Read about how legos now make cell phones.

I love my cell phone, I need it, but (despite the necessity I feel in my own life towards owning one) I don’t feel like little kids ever need them. Seriously, ask the teacher if you need to call home, ask a friends mom, learn social skills, there’s no need for texting before you hit middle school.

Well, doesn’t matter what i think, Alcatel and Lego have teamed up to do just that, get kiddies connected. A lego styled cell phone makes perfect sense when you market it towards kids, but I don’t know that it’s necessary. I know quite a few adults who’d love to get their hands on a lego cell, but we’ll see what happens. The phone is slated for a summer release.

I don’t know who will end up with the phone actually in their pocket, but I can only hope it’s a bunch of us immature college kids and not second graders.

That Looks Familiar

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing. Read about how you can turn your handwriting into a computer font.

Love your handwriting but hate long hand in general? Do your typing skills out strip your short hand every time? Well, there is a solution.

Yourfonts will turn your handwriting into a personalized font for free. All you need is a little time and a scanner. Print out Yourfont’s handwriting worksheet, fill in each letter as you would in normal short hand, scan, and the site does the rest.

The possibilities are endless. You can have a font of your normal handwriting, your left handed hand writing, your bubble letters, and block style. Extra personalization for the computer, what’s not to love?

Share your tunes with Mishare

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing. Read about how you can finally share music between two ipods without a computer.

Want to share a great song with a friend from your iPod but no computer in sight? Try mishare.

This little device transfers songs, photos or video between two iPods at the push of a button.

To share just create an “on-the-go” playlist, hook up the iPods to your mishare device (it’s rechargeable) and push the big button to start the sharing.

It’s available for $99.50

Share responsibly!

Seen in Real Simple

LMK–Let Me Know

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing! Read about the latest in preventing cyber-bullying and avoiding online predators.

The Girl Scouts and Microsoft Corp have partnered to give parents and teens information about online safety, including topics like cyber-bullying, predators and social networking.

The companion sites, LMK and LetMeKnow ( for parents), are designed to address the needs of each audience. On LMK, girls are the experts addressing issues on a teen-to-teen level. The sites include videos and interactive feedback.

Parents can sign up for a online safety newsletter to keep up on issues that may affect their teens.

You can’t have enough help these days!


Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing! Read about the upgrade to your home phone Verizon has to offer.

Verizon is reinventing the home phone with its new Hub. The new system nixes the traditional landline phone for a Internet-connected display that links with Verizon cell phones and other content to bring information and technology together.

It uses similar VoIP technology to Skype and Vonage but with some Verizon add-ons like Chaparone ($10) which helps track your kids through GPS-enabled phones. The display posts info like weather forecasts or movie listings.

BusinessWeek criticizes Verizon for not being more open. For example you can text message from the display but only to Verizon-enabled phones. Also the Internet options are limited and features like its calendar don’t synch with popular web-based calendars.

The HUB runs $200 after rebate and $35 for unlimited calling/month. This may not be the answer but it’s the future of the home phone.

Store Better than Before

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing. Read about the latest in flash drive updates.

So we know I love the flash drive, so it’s no surprise I’m intrigued by Leyio’s new personal file sharing device.

It’s a flash drive taken to the next level. It stores files, can take files off of other flash drives (it has its own USB port built right in) . It’s secured with a finger print scanner and it can wirelessly transfer data to your computer or another Leyios.

It comes with a digital screen, but doesn’t use wi fi. Wireless connections come through ultrawide-band radio, which means to wirelessly transfer to a computer you’ll need to buy a little extra. It’s due out this month :)

Paint with a Purpose

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing. Read about how the Japanese have figured out how to block other people from using your wireless.

At school we all share the same wireless network. Our internet can be accessed in dorms and in class (if you have a password that is). What about the average wi fi user? How do you protect your investment?

Japan has released wi fi paint, it basically blocks hangers on from accessing the internet you are paying for. Convenient for honest apartment dwellers who do pay for their own wireless. It’s an unfortunate development for poor city interns and the like, but it is pretty ingenious. In this economy I’d hope we could all learn to just share, but I can understand not wanting to. If only city wide wireless was available for real.

Hello Netbook!

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about lightweight portable computers called netbooks.


I have a new tech crush–a netbook.

I haven’t done enough research yet to really pick out one that I covet, but I’m loving the whole idea of them. Lightweight, immensely portable little computers that do the basics–web, GPS, music, word processing and video watching.

I was at Staples last night and they had a display of four different netbooks. One was less than 2 lbs (it cost considerably more). Most were in the $300-400 range. A nice option for the vast majority of computer applications we use.

Do you have a netbook? What do you like about it?

Wireless Collaboration

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing about the revolutionary machine that is four machines in one.

We all love convenience, and what’s more convenient than a printer, scanner, copier, and fax machine in one? Did I mention it’s wireless?

That’s right, the Lexmark X6675 can do everything from print pictures directly from a memory card to scan pictures back to your computer over its Wi Fi connection. It claims to print 25 pages a minute in black and white. Four machines in one, and not one extra wire. How much better does it get? How much space does that save?

For just over $100 it’s almost steal. (If you’ve got over $100.)

Clicker Beware

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing. Read about how ads on any website can be harmful.

Tightwad Tod over at Consumer Reports Money Blog has an informative post about all those ads you see on social networking sites like Facebook–you know the ones touting how you, too, can have whiter teeth or learn the latest weight loss secret.

As you might expect, many of these are scams. I used to think no one would ever fall for these, but my own mother recently fell for one so I don’t take that for granted any more. Tod reminds his readers that just b/c you might trust a site that doesn’t mean you should trust all its advertisers. Additionally, he said if you click and ad and it takes you to a blog, click back on your browser.

Surf safe!

Traveling Music

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing. Read about the new music balloon, another portable mp3 player.

It’s another portable speaker, but this one is attempting to be especially fashion friendly, and cute.

The music balloon (currently only available by order from Japan) is a portable speaker that looks like a clowns nose attached to a white wire. It’s simple in that all you need to do is plug the speaker into any headphone jack and you have music. Let it dangle, swing, whatever, as you listen without the aid of headphones.

The music balloon comes in any of five different colors for personalization and added cuteness. But this speaker may have to stay in Japan and stay cute for the almost ridiculously high price of $80.

Skype hits iPhone in a big way

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about how Skype made its debut on iPhone.

Skype rocketed to the #1 free download spot when it launched on iPhone today. Oprah’s favorite way to video conference with viewers has hit the iPhone.

Like other Skype applications online and on other mobile phones, callers can make free calls to other Skype users or at low-cost to traditional numbers. In a nod to AT&T, Skype only works if you are in range of a Wi-Fi network and not over the phones cell network. Two iPhone only features include taking a photo from within Skype or pulling a picture in from the camera roll.

Pick a Flavor

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about Sony's latest colorful release.

Sony is following Apple’s lead at last (in the handheld department at least).

Sony recently announced the release of its PSP gaming handheld in four new colors (blue, red, yellow, and green). Originally the system was only available in black (just as iPods, back in the day, were only available in white).

Individualization is important, I remember the excitement that ensued when Apple released the original iPod mini, its first foray into a diversified pallet. Options never cease to impress.

This will blow your mind

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing about a video that will really make you think.

Fascinating take on modern life and the ever-increasing pace of information. I think what it says about the world our kids will live in is particularly important. When I was studying to be a teacher, I remember a very wise speaker talking about how it wasn’t important to teach children information itself as it was to teach them how to find, use, and critique information. They can look up anything they need if they have the skills to do so. That’s why memorization can only take you so far.

This video covers a lot more than that. Watch and be amazed
Did You Know?

Speaking Small

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing. Read about another cool mini portable speaker.

Lets be honest, some portable speakers aren’t all that portable. Well, the X mini has a new design, and new features, and remains pretty mini, and pretty portable.

The X mini II is slightly larger than the original X mini, but with features to match. It can be charged through a USB connector cable, can boost volume of laptops, MP3 players, and phones, and (if you get your hands on more than one you can chain them together to get especially pumped sound.

With a small globe esque design the X mini II is backpack friendly, which is exactly what a portable speaker should be.

Going solar?

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing about the solio charger that charges electronics using solar energy.

Solio charger

For months now I have toyed with the idea of cancelling my standard phone service and going straight to cell. One of the hang-ups for my plan has been what if I lost power and could not charge my phone. I think a solar cell phone charger may be my answer. In addition, it has the added benefit of saving “vampire” energy loss for all the times I leave the chargers plugged in.

This Solio charger looks awesome. And it works on more than jsut phones. One hour of sunshine is good for 20 minutes of talk or 50 minutes of music on an MP3. Solio is one of many new solar chargers on the market.

Do you have a solar charger for your electronics? What do you think of it?

Cutest nightlight ever

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing about nightlights that help you go green.

We are entering the “fear of the dark” stage at our house. Four years no fear but all of a sudden my little boy won’t walk down the hall with dark rooms or go to sleep without a nightlight.

We bought a couple of LED nightlights at a local home improvement store last weekend. They cost pennies a year to operate and are “greener” than traditional lights b/c of the LED bulbs.

But today I came across this at Goody Blog–Sylvania’s PalPODzzz Portable Nightlight It is a nightlight and a flashlight. It’s also good as a safety light in case the power goes out. There is a ladybug and a rocket ship design. Retail $19.99.

Hear Me Now?

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing about the upgrade for using your iphone to talk while driving.

New York, California, we all know what it’s like to drive and not use the phone. Due to safety laws we’ve also gotten pretty familiar with the speaker functions on most of our cell phones. We know how convenient it can be but also how crabby it can make us. Sometimes you just can’t hear.

Well, for the iphone at least, now there’s a solution. The Sound Clip. The sound clip plugs directly into the iphones dock connector and enhances not only volume, but clarity. Word is the clip works not only for calls, but for games as well.

Unfortunately the clip only works with the iphone, and 3G specifically, but it’s a step forward for somebody. At only $7.95 it’s basically a steal.

Twitter for Twits!

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing featuring a hilarious video about the new social craze, Twitter.

This is a hilarious video from Current TV about the Twittersphere. I’ve only recently become intrigued by Twitter but I just don’t have time to Tweet!

(Caution if watching with kids, there is one mildly offensive word about 3:30 in)

Found via Geeksugar

Battery Fashion

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing. Read about the new wristband that can charge your gadgets on the go.

So battery life has definitely improved in recent years where my favorite portable gadgets are concerned, but the number of gadgets I have has increased as well. Sometimes I just don’t remember ot charge everything I’m going to need the next day.

That’s where the Wrist Band Portable Battery comes in. The names says it all. It’s a battery pack you wear like a cuff, and it can supply power to all your extra portable gadgets. It’s a li ion battery itself, and comes with connection adapters for all your basics (cell, MP3 player, etc. etc)

I don’t know how convenient it will be to travel around with all the adapters, but the band itself could be a lot uglier, and comes with a sweet light display so you know how much juice your portable juicer has left (even if it can be a toss up with your other gadgets).

In Air Entertainment

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about the little invention that makes flying in airplanes that much more comfortable.

Despite technological leaps forward in recent years no ones seems to have come up with any good solutions to lack of leg room (and all other sorts of room) while flying. At least someone’s trying to help you use that lack of space accordingly.

The iFlyz is a “personal media station” that you can buy for $30 online. It’s basically a clip, flexible neck, and suction cup put together. The idea is to clip the neck to a tray table and then suction whichever gadget you’d like to use/view hands free to the other end. Not very high tech, I know. But how much easier will it be to watch movies on your ipod without having to hold the thing up and jostle your seat mate for the middle arm rest?

Twilight Mama

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about the great deals on Twilight DVDs.

I can’t let the weekend pass without commenting on the cultural phenomenon that is Twilight. I know I’m not the only Twilight Mom out there.

To be honest, it’s been a while since I have purchased a DVD. I typically prefer downloading to my Tivo via Amazon Unbox. However, I just had to have the three-disc set from Target.

Now buyers have so many options–one disc, two disc, blu-ray, HD, download.

Target scored with the three-disc bonus and they let buyers have a free download of the movie from iTunes.

Amazon kept their pre-order customers happy by offering a free digital download so you didn’t have to wait for delivery on Monday since the movie came out on Saturday (12:01 a.m.)

How did you get your Twilight fix?

Feeling adventurous?

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about how you can learn to cook foreign foods at home.

OK so maybe you can’t afford to travel around the world, but you can eat around the world from home with Destination Dinners.

This innovative company will send you a package with the authentic spices and sauces needed to cook up to four servings of international dishes such as

In addition each kit includes a shopping list for fresh ingredients, cooking instructions and cultural information about the place the recipe is from.

Current destinations include:

New Orleans, USA Creole Style Jambalaya

Boston Beach, Jamaica — Jerk Chicken & Shrimp Barbecue

Beirut, Lebanon — Kibbeh bil-Saneeyeh, Baked Spiced Lamb

Haifa, Israel — Falafel with Hellfire Harissa Sauce and Chickpea Croquets with Hot Sauce

Kyoto, Japan — Saikyo Miso, Black Cod in Miso Marinade

Tokyo, Japan — Katsudon, Pork Cutlet and Egg Rice Bowl

Dhaka, Bangladesh — Chicken Garam Masala, Chicken with Warming Spices

Bangkok, Thailand — Khao Ob Sapparod, Baked Pineapple Rice with Chicken and Cashews

Ayutthaya, Thailand — Kaeng Khiaw-Waan Kai and Kanom Tuay Foo, Green Chicken Curry with Puffy Cups

Seoul, South Korea — Bulgogi, Marinated Fire Meat

Destination Dinners recipe kits are $25 and are currently only sold online.

Building a Picture

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about the new gadgets coming out built from lego pieces!

Lego has partenered with Digital Blue to bring the world a new line of tech gadgets, all adorned with the lego touch. That’s right, MP3 players, walkie talkies, and cameras all built from lego bricks.

The gadgets supposedly come out this summer and are aimed at kids, but that doesn’t mean kids are gonna be the only ones buyin. Legos are always awesome.

Unfortunately these newest gadgets are just that, gadgets. Despite the sweetness of the design you can’t redesign anything yourself. The bricks don’t come apart, they just stick together forever and look cool.

Green Your Printing for St. Pat’s

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about the new software that can help save the planet.

GreenPrint is a software that analyzes what you print and helps you save money and paper by not printing pages with “junk” like a last page with just a URL, legal-ese or banner ads.

It will also track how many pages you have saved and what that means in money. The program also includes a PDF writer so you save documents rather than print them.

They have home and business versions. The basic World edition is FREE for PC and just $29 for MAC. The Home Premium version is faster, has an ad free preview and includes product upgrades and support. The business Enterprise version can run on multiple computers and track paper savings across a network as well as other features.

According to Green Print:

“If all US households with a computer used GreenPrint over $6 billion would be saved a year.

If all new computers used GreenPrint greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced by over 117 million tons. That’s the equivalent of removing 23 million cars from the road for an entire year.

If all new computers sold in 2006 used green print over 36 million trees would be saved every year.”

A Reading Voice

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing. Read about the new scanner than can read text and turn it into an mp3.

Scanners are incredible, color photos, signatures, articles, all can be duplicated. Yet, can a scanner go beyond the visual? Beyond saving a file to creating one? The answer is yes.

The Book Reader V100 is up and running and ready to create MP3 files out of the written word. It’s a simple and silent way to create your own books on tape. I can’t say anything about how nice the digital voice will be to the ears, but it’s a start. Think of the possibilities? Get me a scanner that can copy my comics into video files and then you’ll really have something :) .

Meter Messaging

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about the parking meters in France that can send messages to cell phones!

There are some text messages you just don’t want to receive. Those drunk messages from people who never should have gotten your number, those television updates from two years ago when you entered a contest you saw during a commercial. Well, the French can top all of those.

Now, certain French parking meters, will text you when you’ve over stayed your welcome in any spot. They’ll let you know how much you owe the attendant who has also been notified by said parking meter and is now on their way to make that fine a very real punishment. Lets hope there’s a five minute grace period, but when in France, don’t push it.

Sentry Safe for Data Protection

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about ways you can protect the information on your computer.

We recently got a waterproof/fireproof safe to protect our important documents. I had been meaning to do it for years, but like so many other things, it kept getting pushed to the bottom of the list.

I noticed that the company–Sentry Safe–also has a number of media protection items as well.

One is a fireproof/waterproof hard drive that you can plug into your computer and back up your data in case of an accident. You can also use it in dirty or dusty environments. It is available in 80 GB, 160 GB and 250 GB sizes.

Another small size data storage protection case houses up to 60 DVDs or CD and connects and protects a range of other devices like iPods, flash drives, etc.

Of course, there is also a variety of online data security options, too.

Microsoft Arc Mouse is Pur-ty

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about the fashionable new mouse Microsoft has to offer.

Microsoft’s Arc Mouse is just a beauty. The crescent-shaped mouse is set to be released in new “fashion colors” like eggplant, frost, deep olive, and marine. When it was launched last September, it was only available in red and black.

People love color. Apple figured this out a long time ago. You can even get air conditioning units in fashion colors if you want them.

The new mouse will retail for about $50.

Camera Capability

Jessie Atkin psoted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about the new wifi-camera from Sony that let's you post pictures online straight from your camera!

We hope one day that the country will be completely wireless, wifi everywhere. First America then the world. Well Sony’s newest camera is preparing for that particular revolution.

The Cyber Shot G3 is the first digital camera to be wifi enabled. Basically you can upload photos to the net right from the camera, very much like cell phone shots today, but better image quality. For now you’ll have to have access to a wifi hot spot, but one day you’ll be able to upload pictures from anywhere. It kind of kills any chance you have to “sleep on it” before posting a possibly unfortunate picture, but hey, it’s the price we pay.

One Sunny Day

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about the new sunglasses that can charge your mp3 player using solar power!

In the tech world we’re not always that fashion savvy, but we may end up saving the world.

Our newest fashion misstep seems to be solar powered shades or “Self Energy Converting Sunglasses” . Pack an ipod and then charge on the go while protecting ever precious eyes. Just plug the cord into whatever small electronic device and, with the look of a headphone cord, you’ve got power on the go. It’s a nice concept, but with only one style it’s hard to appeal to everyone. But hey, Myvu glasses have taken off, why not these? As soon as (or if) they go into production there’s always a chance for them as well.

Trivial Pursuit goes digital

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about how Trivial Pursuit has gone digital!

The old boardgame favorite Trivial Pursuit is making its leap to the digital gaming world with EA Games. It will be available on all major gaming consoles including Xbox 360™, PlayStation®2, PLAYSTATION®3, and the Nintendo Wii™.

Players can play the “q-and-a” game in three modes: Classic, a single-player “Clear the Board,” or social multi-player “Facts and Friends.”

For the ultra-competitive player there’s this feature:

The game’s profile feature allows an ultra-competitive player to track and analyze performance statistics, such as the number of games won, a player’s best category, and the percentage of questions answered correctly in each category. This feature also compares a player’s strengths and weaknesses versus those of the opponents. Additionally, a ticker rolls at the bottom of the screen throughout game-play, keeping players informed about how they stack up against the competition.

The game will sell for $39.99 on most systems, except Playstation II which will retail for $29.99.

You can also get your fix at playing TRIVIAL PURSUIT Daily 20 for free

A mobile version of the game will also launch on the iPhone later this month and soon on Facebook, too.

Universal Real Estate

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about the Kepler spacecraft that is going to explore the Milky Way.

We’ve seen Mars come and go. The Hubble telescope has continued to supply us with images of the far reaches of space even as the odds of another repair begin to fade. Now NASA is off in search of the very best science fiction has to offer.

The Kepler spacecraft is off to look for new earth’s (basically any other planet that could contain life, even just bacteria). Not any small goal. The Kepler is set to explore “our” sector of the Milky Way for planets in star systems similar to our own. Imagine what could be found (though it’ll take a bit of time) and think about the possibilities that any discovery would establish for the rest of the universe. Our galaxy is only one out of many, and we’ve barely explored any of it.

Kepler (if successful) will be a huge step forward in a much larger mission that is exploring the still unknown sectors of our universe. This isn’t the moment to cut funding, it’s a time to get the stars back on the news and reach out into the frontier that, in expanse, seems anything but final.


Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about how U.S. Congress members use Twitter, and how you can see it for yourself!

I really haven’t gotten into the whole “twitter” thing yet. Honestly, I just don’t have time with blogging and Facebook and that other “life” stuff.

But I did find a really interesting site last week that has me intrigued. It’s called TweetCongress and it is a clearinghouse site for all the members of the U.S. Congress who are on Twitter. You can even send requests to your Congresspeople to join if they aren’t already on Twitter.

From the site you can view the “tweetstream” for all the Congressmen and women from both sides of the aisle. They often post links to news shows they might be on or blog posts they have written. John McCain was posting a daily countdown of “pork” items in the recent spending bill.

I think what I like most about it is that you really feel like can learn a little about what is going on in our country without the filter of the media. You hear directly from your reps (or their staff likely) but without all the commentary. And they are limited to 140 characters so they can’t go on and on as politicians like to do.