Thursday, June 25, 2009

Movie Mash

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing about how you can make videos using tv clips, and the program that helps you do just that.

I love Youtube. I love watching music videos full of clips of my favorite shows. I like watching clip mashups, and I like seeing home made trailers. Now Elgato has made it even easier for Mac users to create just such masterpieces with its video capture.

Video capture basically connects your computer to an analog video source and helps you convert video from your television to video on your computer (ready to use online, or on your ipod). With these new files you can watch your favorite TV on the go or use it to create the next great online sensation. It’s totally worth it for the advancement of online art.

Gaming’s New Hero

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing about the new DJ Hero.

DJ Hero now has an actual design! That’s right, we’ve seen Guitar Hero, we’ve seen Guitar Hero World Tour (where the whole band plays) and now we move from making music to mixing it. It’s been presented and tried at the E3 conference.

The basic look follows the same “Hero” controller design as the guitar itself, with the well colored play buttons, though this time they are spaced across a turn table rather than the neck of a guitar. The premise is primarily the same push the correct combination of buttons in time with screen. I don’t know how action packed it will be, it won’t be the same as sliding across a fake stage on your knees with a fake guitar in your hands, but I like Guitar Hero enough I’m pretty excited to try this next edition, whenever it is released (the set is already up for pre order).

Wii’re in Motion

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing about how the Wii remote can be made to measure actions more accurately.

The Wii continues to revolutionize gaming in its own right. Wii MotionPlus, released at the E3 media briefing is an accessory to that will make any Wiimote motions more accurate. This means that in Wii Bowling you better be very careful how you flick your wrist.

The accessory is a small white block that attaches to the base of the Wiimote in the same port the nunchuck usually fits. With the continued success of the Wii console, and its accessories, it’s nice to see this particular add on go directly back to basics. The original draw of the Nintendo Wii was it’s one of a kind controller and game play, the Wii MotionPlus should simply enhance what we loved so much in the first place.

Is your family ignoring each other?

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing. Read about a study on family interaction, and how technology may be the reason in the change.

A new report suggests that families are spending less time interacting and technology may be to blame.

The study by the Annenberg Center for the Digital Future at the University of Southern California polled 2,030 people ages 12 and up, found that

“28 percent of Americans it interviewed last year said they have been spending less time with members of their households. That’s nearly triple the 11 percent who said that in 2006.”

The study didn’t blame Internet social networking sites but the change has coincided with the rise of sites like Twitter and Facebook.

Of course, I know families who feel better connected because of technology and many parents who find texting with their children a great way to stay in touch with their day-to-day life.

What do you think? Has technology made your family spend less time together or more?

iTivo let’s you take your favorite shows with you

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about how you can get your favorite shows on your iPhone and other electronics.

iTivo–a download for Mac–lets you send your favorite Tivo shows to you iPhone or iPod. or Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PSP or Apple TV.

Features include:

* Formats include h.264, mpeg-2, mpeg-1, decrypt-only.
* Target devices include iPhone, iPod, AppleTV, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PSP, youtube.
* ’subscriptions’ to your regular shows: downloading them whenever new episodes are available.
* Automatically perform an ‘iTunes sync’ to your device when the download is completed.
* Automatically remove commercials from downloaded shows.
* Reporting on tivo’s Hard Drive usage

Found via Geeksugar

Light from Light

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing. Read about solar powered desk lamps for the eco-friendly.

Lets save the planet one all nighter college student at a time.

Ikea has just released solar cell powered desk lamps. With LED bulbs that lamps also claim to use 70% less energy than regular light bulbs (they also supposedly last 4 times as long, so there’s a little cash saved as well). Everything’s all alternative energy these days but it makes much more sense to feed the masses with smaller steps. Reworking the home office makes more immediate sense to people than rewiring the house with solar panels on the roof. They come in five colors and are priced at a very economy conscious $19.99.

I like the idea, it can’t hurt plug/wire clutter even if you don’t care about the planet (think of all the extra counter space) you just better keep your desk by a window.

Mini and Mighty

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing! Read about the smallest flashdrive yet.

USB drives were small enough before, but hey, gadgets are always evolving at a time where size still does matter.

Eagletec has developed pretty much the smallest flash drive yet at 19×15x16 mm. It still holds between 4 and 8 GB (depending on how much cash you’re willing to put down). The size is smaller but storage and pricing are still about on par with many other flash drives on the market today.

I’m definitely an advocate of the flash drive, I’m an advocate for multiple flash drives, but in spending so much time depending on one I know what problems arise when a normal flash drive is misplaces. I don’t know how I feel about shrinking my most misplaces gadget any further, even if the Eagletec Nano does come with a lanyard.

The Mediatrician will see you now

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing! Read about how you can get the answers to the questions you have about how electronic use and your kids.

Wonder if your kid is watching too much t.v.? How to keep your kids safe on the Internet? Will baby videos help my child learn?

Ask the Mediatrician
, Dr. Michael Rich, a former Hollywood filmmaker turned director of the Center on Media and Child Health at Children’s Hospital, Boston. His new website offers up answers to questions that parents have about their children’s media use from television to video games to cell phones.

Do you have a question for the mediatrician? Send it in or read up to see what other parents are asking.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Deliciously Musical

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing about the new ipod shuffle, and an idea for a case.

The new ipod shuffle is small and kind of lacking in Apple’s usual showy design department. A small silver brick that you could lose just as easily as you can buy one.

While much has been said about the design and the problems related to the ipod shuffle the fact is the bland little baby opens itself up to the design creativity to everyone else outside of the apple network. Chocoshuffle is just one such bit of designer brilliance. The ipod case is just as delicious as the name makes it sound. Basically you can dress your ipod as a lovely little piece of chocolate rather than as a sleek silver glob (this is much more cute).

The Chocoshuffle comes in dark chocolate, white chocolate, and strawberry chocolate. Just remember, just because this makes the new ipod shuffle a bit more interesting it doesn’t make the thing any less easy to lose.

Today’s the Day

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing announcing the arrival of the switch to digital tv.

Today’s the day of the big digital switch. Once delayed, Friday June 12 is the day analog television signals go the way of the dinosaur.

If your TV isn’t working, now you know why. Don’t forget to rescan your TV channels this weekend to make sure you are getting all the ones now offered. If you have any questions, check out our DTV answers guide.

Speakboos for those long summer days

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing about Speakaboos, storytelling for children.

Speakaboos takes your favorite stories, fables and tales digital with video versions of children’s classics and even popular characters such as Curious George and Arthur. Popular celebrities such as Nick Cannon and Kevin Bacon lend their voice talents to the tales.

The stories also are accompanied by games, e-cards, create your own story opportunities and more. There is also a whole section just for teachers with additional worksheets and more to enhance learning.

All the stories are free to watch and can be downloaded for your iPod or computer for 99 cents. A portion of the proceeds goes to children’s charities

Learn more about Speakaboos on this video tour.

Found via Goody Blog

Play Music

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing about the inexpensive but awesome lego-looking gadgets now on sale.

Lego has really hit the ground running with it’s digitized products recently. From mini speakers to cell phones the brick look just never gets old.

Now there are two new brick modeled gadgets on the market. The lego MP3 player and the lego boombox. With 2 GB storage and color display the MP3 players are pretty cute (especially with a $39.99 price tag). They look just like you could have put them together all by yourself.

The boombox on the other hand isn’t quite as builder friendly, as it’s designed to look like a singular brick in and of itself (though a rather large one). It plays both the radio and CD’s and has a digital clock. Priced at $39.99 as well the only decision you’ll have to make is whether you need your music to travel with you or not.

Gaming’s New Directions

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing about the GPS for the Gameboy DS.

So GPS is already travel friendly, but it’s always nice when you don’t have to invest in a completely new handheld.

The iphone and most other cell phones now come with GPS capabilities but what about gadget options? Well now, Gameboy DS can work just as well as a GPS navigator as any phone. Ranger will be the first navigation system suitable for Gameboy handhelds.

The Ranger is a plug in (rather than an application or game) for the DS and has 32 MB of extra storage. It comes with both visual and audio guidance and detailed information about local sites and locations.

If the Ranger had come out a few years earlier it probably would have been a bit more popular than it will be now. With cell phones, Garmin, and the ipod touch kids aren’t the only ones carrying around fun gadgets anymore.

You Diligence

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing about how you can monitor what goes on on your child's Myspace, Facebook, etc.

Finding it difficult to keep up with all of your child’s social networking pages–like MySpace and Facebook. Worried about what people might be discussing or posting on his page? Afraid your child may be being bullied but won’t talk to you about it?

YouDiligence is a new service that allows you to receive emails when pre-selected words are used on your child’s social network account page. For example, words referring to weapons/violence, drug use, bullying, obscenity, slurs, or sexually explicit languate can be screened for. You can also add personalized words or terms.The service is customizable to allow for differing levels of parental comfort.

When one of the terms appears on your child’s page, you recieve an email containing the word, the context in which is it used and a link to the page where it appears.

To use the service, you must know your child’s login information and have been friended by them on the applicable website. YouDiligence encourages parents to have open communication with their children and to set boundaries and discuss that you reserve the right to check their pages if you find something troubling.

Another service is the SlangSpotter e-newsletter which helps parents stay up on the latest slang terms to maintain your “POS” position (Parent-over-shoulder).

Of course, there will be parent who wonder if this is an invasion of their child’s privacy to which the site responds:

Q: Is this violating my child’s privacy?

A: All of this material is being posted on the internet by your child and his/her friends. Anyone can gain access to it. With incidents popping up weekly from bullying, to fighting, to sexual predators coming after unsuspecting tweens and teens, it only makes sense to review their internet activity, especially in a responsible way like this. YouDiligence is effective and efficient, and will alert you to when you need to go take a closer look at your child’s site

Remember that what you child posts on the Internet is out there forever, for everyone anyway. At least if they think you might be watching they will think twice about what they post.

The service runs $9.99/month or $14.99 for a family plan.

Check Your Purse

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing about a new camcorder in HD.

Well, I guess there’s a camera out there for everyone. I look for a good quality HD camera without touch screen controls. But not everyone is looking to make movies, just record memories.

That’s where DXG’s high definition Luxe collection comes in. The whole concept has the small camcorders covered in the slightly cheesy plastic designs of familiar purses. At $129 they’re priced right for simple recording every so often. It’s not the kind of camera I’d want, but I guess it can come in handy for some mom who just wants a clip of a kid’s school play.

Virtual Graduation

Chris McGinn posted a new blog on Digital Landing about a graduation taking place online.

Bryant and Stratton College is planning a virtual commencement ceremony in SecondLife on June 10.

The for-profit college with campuses in four-states is planning to hold the ceremony online. The graduation speaker is Phillip Rosedale, the founder of Second Life. He agreed to speak after he learned of the school’s plans.

Approximately 40 graduates will receive their degrees as avatars in the virtual world created within Second Life.

A New Weight for the Wii

Jessie Atkin posted a new blog on Digital Landing about weights for Wii.

Video games continue to evolve, and sometimes they just make me laugh.

Riflex is just one of those small evolutions. Basically they’re dumbbells that attach to your Wiimote. Mostly they’ll be useful for WiiFit, but you can keep them attached through all game play. It could get a bit silly. I’m all about video games expanding game play and involving movement but sometimes taking a regular old walk is a good idea too.

Starting at $35 for a 2 pound set and $39 for a four pound set the options are good, but don’t think it’s a cure all for too many video games on the whole.

Yoostar puts you into the action

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing about a cool new game for the wannabe actors/actresses out there.

Yoostar is the biggest thing in interactive entertainment since Wii. The system makes you the star by putting you in famous scenes from your favorite movies and shows like Rocky and Sesame Street.

The system (retailing for under $170) includes a high-res camera, microphone and green screen. You record yourself re-creating the scene and then watch it back with you in place of one of the stars. You can faithfully re-enact the script or create your own interpretation of the scene. The unit includes 39 roles but additional scenes are available for purchase from the sites library.

Yoostar will be available in August with content from five major Hollywood studios including Paramount Pictures Corporation, Universal Pictures, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Inc., Lions Gate Films, Inc., as well as the National Basketball Association and Sesame Workshop’s “Sesame Street” franchise.

Another component of Yoostar is social networking. You can create widgets and embedded scenes by uploading your creations to

Found via geeksugar

Cell Phone Insurance?

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing about cell phone insurance.

I got a new cell phone yesterday. Fortunately my phone was still under warranty for another two months. My last phone died 2 months after the warranty expired so I figured I was due.

The good news was that I got a newer version of my current phone for free. The bad news–I only get the remaining two months under warranty.

They offered me cell phone insurance for an extra $5 a month but I think I’ll take my chances. I know the odds haven’t been good for me recently. This is another reason why I haven’t yet broken down and gotten the iPhone I have coveted so long. Usually electronics insurance is not a good deal if you ask consumer experts but it really helps the bottom line of companies that sell electronics so they keep offering.

As for me, I figure the phone was free anyway after rebate so if I end up having to buy a new one eventually I had it coming.

New Notes

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing. Read about an on-the-go notebook good for jotting down extraneous notes.

Tech continues to shrink, but I still find it easier to walk around with a pen and a pad of paper in my pocket than any gadget (even my cell phone). I’ve got witnesses and ink stains to prove it.

One of the more popular portable diaries of sorts are the Moleskine (which claims to have held the ideas of both Picasso and Hemingway). The notebooks come in all sorts of sizes and varieties, even portable portfolio folders for artists or other sets of notes.

Moleskines are a very particular brand of notebook and thus they have a particular size and page shape. No need to guess because now, when you’re not on the go, you can print the perfect page for your notebook off the web. MSK wizard sets up a Moleskine sized page online you can print and then take with you. Need a picture off of google to help with the inspiration you’ve already jotted down? No problem.

It’s not a necessity obviously, part of Moleskines popularity is using it on the go when you can’t access a computer. But if you can, this definitely enhances the experience. Simplicity is bliss.

Tech Movie Trivia

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing. Read about how you can learn about a movie by taking a picture.

I’m pretty good with movies. Remembering titles, release dates, stars. Anyone with my phone number knows they can text me if they need a bit of cinematic information, but to be honest, I don’t always have my phone.

Nokia’s Point and Find technology may just make me obsolete. The concept is simple. Use a Nokia phone to take a photo of a movie poster and your phone will do a net search for relevant information. Release dates will no longer be a problem.

Nokia hopes ot expand the service so that information about things beyond Hollywood can also be accessed, but you’ve gotta start somewhere.

Virtual Concert Lighter

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing. Read about the virtual lighter to take with you to your next concert.

I kid you not. In the good ol’ days, concertgoers would flick their lighters to pay homage to favorite songs in swaying harmony with thousands of others. Now with smoking bans, etc. the lighter has been replaced by cellphone screen lights.

Welcome to the next generation–the virtual concert lighter for iPhone and iPod touch. This app which is KISS-customized is the first of what will be a whole category of iPhone applications.

Features of the KISS Virtual Concert Lighter include:

* Free upgrades for life – new features will constantly be created for the Virtual Concert Lighters
* Fully customizable with a choice of 24 full-color official KISS lighter cases.
* Unique scrolling text marquee
* Realistic flame sways and moves as you move your hand
* Dynamic sound effects and musical riffs

Launching in May 2009 in time for the mega-band’s 35th anniversary world tour (seriously?!), the application will cost .99 and be available in the iTunes store. It was designed by Spark of Blue, a tech company that specializes in bite-size games and entertainment for smartphones and other internet-connected devices

Look for virtual concert lighter for The Who, Poison, and Lil Wayne later this summer.

Moms for Simplicity

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing about a contest for moms who use technology to help them out.

Dana Torres, the five-time Olympic swimmer and mom has launched “Moms for Simplicity” with HP. The website, online essay contest and photo mosaic invites moms to inspire and educate each other about how technology simplifies their lives.

“Today’s moms have more demands than ever that fill our lives, and new technologies are helping to simplify our daily routines,” said Torres. “Whether I’m paying bills and staying organized, catching up on TV shows and movies while on the road, or creating fun activities with my daughter, HP technology helps make my life easier so I can do the things that matter to me the most.”

In mid-June, Torres will choose three contest winners to receive a personalized HP technology makeover, the chance to meet Torres and see her swim in the U.S. Nationals in Indianapolis, and possibly the opportunity to see her compete at the FINA World Championships in Rome.

The contest, which runs through June 16, asks moms to upload a photo to an online photo mosaic and, in 200 words or less, tell HP and Torres how they use technology to simplify their busy lives – including digital scrapbooking, keeping in touch with friends, running a business from home, or managing a weekly schedule.

Participants will have their photo and story featured on the photo mosaic, and three will win HP products, including the HP Vivienne Tam edition notebook, HP Photosmart All-in-One printer and an HP TouchSmart PC. Additionally, winners will become “amateur mom reporters” at the U.S. Nationals, where they will see Torres compete and report their experiences on the “Moms for Simplicity” website through a series of video diaries.

According to Nielsen NetRatings, there are 32 million women in the United States who have children under 18 and get online (84 percent of moms online), which translates to about 40 percent of all women online in the United States today.(1)

More information on “Moms for Simplicity” and how to participate in the contest is available at

A Globe in the Palm of Your Hand

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing about another interactive touch gadget.

It’s all about portability, function, and style when it comes to gadgets today and Moixa’s sphere is just what the doctor ordered.

With a planned release sometime next year the description at least presents an interactive display about the size and shape of a baseball. The sphere can also fold flat and comes with net connections and a multi touch surface. Moixa totally has me on board.

Forget the iPhone this looks way more fun.

Mind Over Matter

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing about Japan and they're mind-control schemes.

Who doesn’t want the ability to control stuff with their mind? It’s like super powers right?

Well, Honda researchers in Japan have come up with a slightly less fantastical control and use for a kind of scientific telekinesis. BMI (or Brain Machine Interface, not Body Mass Index) looks like a giant hairstyling chair with a white air conditioner attached to the back. The point, however, has nothing to do with the style. BMI basically measures electric currents and almost infrared spectroscopy, or brain blood flow. This makes it possible to control a certain robot with just your thoughts.

Obviously it’s still in the development stages but, aside from being cool, the possibilities this kind of technology presents for anyone who’s physically disabled or just needs some extra help around the house is amazing.

Video Game Reality

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing about the latest in virtual reality.

I’ve posted about personal projector glasses before, but lets talk virtual reality.

The Vuzix looks very much like the Myvu but with the addition of a virtual reality kit for its VR920 eye ware. The addition is a USB camera that will supposedly track anyone’s position in three dimensional space. This essentially means that as you interact with a program tied to the eye ware images and other related information related to any current activity can appear to help or supplement the experience.

Vuzix’s iWear is all set up to expand the opportunities and possibilities in virtual worlds, but they’re not stopping at mere projection of video, audio, microphone, head tracking, and now space interpretation are going to continue to change everything. Even beyond gaming, this stuff is cool.

Jedi Mind Tricks Coming to a Toy Store Near You

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing about how you can train to be a jedi.

I’ll have to see it to believe it, but a new toy due in stores this fall will “train you to use the Force.” Actually it just reads your brain waves to make a little ping-pong sized ball rise in a tube, but still its very cool.

The toy, created by Uncle Milton Toys, is the first of several new “brain-to-computer” toys hitting the market soon. It uses similar technology to a EEG machine, which is used by physicians to read brain waves.

The toy includes a wireless headset that you wear while concentrating on the ball and thinking about it moving. On Friday’s Good Morning America, the hosts played with toy and demonstrated how it worked.

The toy is marketed as a Jedi Force Trainer and has a voice over that will encourage you as you move through 13 “jedi training levels.”

The price is expected to be between $90-100 and will begin preselling on July 23.

They’re back . . .

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing about Circuit City's comeback.

You may have thought you would never hear the name Circuit City again but like a phoenix from the ashes it is rising again–at least online. Circuit City is relaunching again as an online site.

Systemex, Inc. has bought the former electronics superstore and plans a brand relaunch with “new Lower Prices, new Wider Selection, new Faster Shipping, and a better 24/7 Customer First Service Department.

The website is not operational yet but it has a message saying to check back in a few days and you can follow the launch on Twitter as well.

Happy Girl

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing about the new Apple iMac.

I am a happy, happy girl. I just set up my brand-new 24″ Apple iMac.

It is barely out of the box. Only time to set up my email so far, but I look forward to the days ahead of exploring all the wonderful new Apple features. My original Mac was purchased in 2002 (yes, that long ago) and it has served me well. It has been on nearly 24 hrs a day since I unpacked it and it never gave me a day’s trouble other than just being slow and gradually incompatible with all manner of websites.

I also have a laptop Dell for my PC friends. It’s next up for a re-vamp as it has been running very slow recently.

I still remember the day I bought my very first computer–a Gateway back in 1994 when I graduated from high school. It was gargantuan compared to the sleek screen only iMac I just unpacked. I remember trekking back and forth on school holidays from college with it. Now with so many ways to compute on the go it seems like the dark ages.

If you have a Mac–what’s your favorite feature of the latest OS?

Summer School

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing about the upgrade in learning online.

I for one get enough class time five days a week and enough homework that spare time for online courses is not really available (or a priority). But that doesn’t mean I can’t recognize a good learning tool when I see one. is the next step in intellectual growth at our fingertips. Like iTunes U the site provides taped lectures free to the masses. These aren’t just any schools either, but lectures from the likes of Stanford and Yale. I can’t attest to the quality of one lecturer over another myself, but the big school names are likely to get people in the door.

It’s never to late to learn (in life, or in the day) and it’s always nice when you can work for pure interest instead of a grade and extra homework.

Versatile Pictures

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing about a camera for action photographers.

Almost every digital camera these days comes with a setting for action shots. You want to take a picture of a track meet and cut down on the blur, it is possible. But what about taking a picture in the actual track meet? Or even better, while you’re in the process of skiing?

That’s what the Gopro Hero camera is all about. Not only is it a good quality camera, but it comes with mounts for everything from a car dashboard, to a helmet, or your chest. Sure, you’ll look a little weird, but the picture possibilities are surely worth it. It’s unfortunate that the camera works on AAA batteries, thus battery life will likely be sketchy, but it would be worse.

At $200 it’s not a real expensive camera, which is always a plus. The camera is small, and not waterproof in and of itself, but it comes with the shock resistant waterproof case to begin with. With summer on the way this could be just the thing to spice up those vacation pictures.

Play it Outdoors

Jessie Atkin posted a blog on Digital Landing about the revolutionary music player and basketball hoop in one.

Summer’s coming and it’s time to examine the new music scene outdoors. Household music systems aren’t quite as rugged (or as exercise enticing) as a basketball hoop.

Spalding has recently released its iHoop. It’s a combination basketball hoop and outdoor stereo system. Though the name obviously caters to ipod users the sound system should work with most MP3 players. The hoop contains an ipod compartment and control center in the hoops base, where the built in speakers also reside. The only catch is that the music is not battery powered, so an outdoor outlet is necessary to fully enjoy some warm up music before a pick up game. It makes more sense than trying to practice free throws with any MP3 player clipped onto the waist band of your shorts.

Just in time for Memorial Day weekend

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing! Read about fun gadgets to take with you to make a day out more enjoyable.

GeekSugar has a rundown on some interesting gadgets for the beach
like waterproof cameras, flash drives and speakers. There is also a set of sunglasses from Oakley with built in mp3 player.

I think my favorite thought is this cooler bag from Pottery Barn with built-in speakers. Perfect for some poolside tunes or beachfront book reading. The bag runs $79 and runs on 4 AA batteries.