Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy Girl

Chris McGinn posted a blog on Digital Landing about the new Apple iMac.

I am a happy, happy girl. I just set up my brand-new 24″ Apple iMac.

It is barely out of the box. Only time to set up my email so far, but I look forward to the days ahead of exploring all the wonderful new Apple features. My original Mac was purchased in 2002 (yes, that long ago) and it has served me well. It has been on nearly 24 hrs a day since I unpacked it and it never gave me a day’s trouble other than just being slow and gradually incompatible with all manner of websites.

I also have a laptop Dell for my PC friends. It’s next up for a re-vamp as it has been running very slow recently.

I still remember the day I bought my very first computer–a Gateway back in 1994 when I graduated from high school. It was gargantuan compared to the sleek screen only iMac I just unpacked. I remember trekking back and forth on school holidays from college with it. Now with so many ways to compute on the go it seems like the dark ages.

If you have a Mac–what’s your favorite feature of the latest OS?

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